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Safari Raglan Tee and Dress

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La camiseta/ el vestido Safari es un patr�n con manga ragl�n, con un ajuste c�modo y muy vers�til. Se puede utilizar como un dise�o b�sico o dise�ado a la medida para que sea una /un raglan �nica(o). Elija mangas cortas o largas con dobladillo, o para un hacer una camiseta/un vestido Ragl�n diferente, utilice su creatividad para a�adir mangas con t�teres que sus hijos van a adorar. Adem�s bolsillos de parche en tela contraste a�aden detalles adicionales.

Esta(e) ragl�n es perfecta(o) para todo el a�o y, tanto para ni�os , como para ni�as . Es adecuado para un principiante confiado. Proporciona una gran introducci�n para coser con tejidos de punto. El patr�n de la camiseta/el vestido Safari cubre una amplia gama de tama�os - 6-12 meses a 12 a�os.

El patr�n incluye las siguientes opciones:
- Camiseta o vestido
- Manga corta o larga con dobladillo
- Manga larga con opci�n para adicionar t�tere/marioneta
- Bolsillo tipo parche para poner en el pecho de la camiseta, bolsillos tipo parche para poner en el frente del vestido

En el patr�n se muestra c�mo hacer la forma b�sica de una manga con t�teres, pero la parte creativa depende de usted - deje volar su imaginaci�n.

Si usted posee el patr�n de la camiseta Rowan, la capucha y el bolsillo canguro son compatibles con este patr�n.

El tutorial PDF incluye:

  • 60 p�ginas del documento PDF con un tutorial muy detallado, con fotograf�as a color de cada paso.

  • Patr�n generado en computadora, organizado en capas, para imprimir en tama�o A4 y carta.

  • 30 p�ginas con las piezas del patr�n en tama�o real. Estas piezas var�an, un color por edad y estilo de l�nea. Esto significa que pueden ser imprimidas a color o en blanco y negro. Opci�n para imprimir s�lo los tama�os que desee, usando las capas del documento PDF.
    Archivo para imprimir en tama�o A0 incluido. Ver FAQ para m�s detalles.

  • Tutoriales y patr�n completo disponibles en ambas versiones Ingl�s y Espa�ol

  • Hoja de referencia r�pida

  • Telas requeridas

  • Lista de materiales

  • Muchos consejos de ayuda durante el proceso

  • Medidas m�tricas e imperial incluidas

  • Los t�rminos incluyen el derecho para hacer y vender a peque�a escala (dom�stica o casera). Para m�s informaci�n refi�rase a la secci�n FAQ.

  • Disponible para descargar inmediatamente (incluyendo un archivo separado para imprimir en tiendas donde imprimen formatos grandes)

  • Posibilidad para descargar el archivo varias veces mientras est� conectada (o) a su cuenta. Todav�a aplica la condici�n de solo un due�o.

  • Opci�n para recibir correos electr�nicos con las �ltimas versiones del patr�n disponibles para descargar

Para obtener ayuda adicional con los patrones , �nase al grupo de Titchy Threads o a nuestra lista de correos.

Im�genes en el listado incluyen algunas fotograf�as tomadas por Andreia Salgueiro

Pattern Details

6-12M a 12Y
Principiante con confianza
Tejido de punto
Inglés y Español


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9 Reviews

  • Sewing Like Mad The Safari Raglan Tee and Dress is a pattern by Titchy Threads so we all know this is not going to be a post with me complaining, ha. I love her patterns and this is not the exception!
    Read more here, and here, and here.
  • My Cozy Co The Safari Raglan Tee/dress features raglan sleeve and has a very comfortable fit. But in my eyes this is not a regular raglan pattern, not only because as always the fit of Laura’s patterns is spot on, but also you have some details that can be added in order to make it more special and unique for every kid. And the best part for us that have girls, is that comes with an option to make a dress!

    La camiseta/vestido Safari tiene manga raglan y un ajuste muy confortable. Aunque yo no creo que sea una camiseta común y corriente, porque como siempre los patrones que diseña Laura son excelentes, sino que además ella ha añadido varias opciones. Inclusive tiene piezas para hacer un vestido !
    Read more here.
  • Huisje Boompje Boefjes Titchy Threads newest pattern is a raglan tee, but lifted to the next level. There are a lot of raglan tees out there, so why should you need the Safari Raglan? First (and to me most important), the fit of the tee. As in all Laura's patterns you'll find a thorough measurements table and the possibility to mix sizes in case your child doesn't fit in a regular size.

    Another good reason for wanting this pattern is the range of options. You can sew a short sleeved or a long sleeved raglan, with or without pocket, and the long sleeved version also provides a really fun gadget, making puppet sleeves! It's a shirt and a toy in one! Yay!

    Last but not least (at least to you girl mama's out there), the pattern does not only contains a shirt, it's also a dress! And the dress has the same options as mentioned earlier for the shirt. How about that!
    Read more here, and here.
  • Max California It's a tee pattern with raglan sleeves but there is also the option to have it as a dress that hits just above the knee on little girls and with short/long/puppet sleeve options its definitely going in my pile of patterns I love to sew over and over!

    Read more here.
  • In a Manner of Sewing It has been worn, washed over and over and worn again and everyone compliments it (even not knowing I made it). It´s perfect for everyday wear, my daughter puts it on and out easily through the head, and I´m planning a few more for Summer and Winter with the long sleeve.

    Sometimes simple goes a long way and this, my sewing friends, is another Titchy Threads pattern for life.
    Read more here.
  • The Pattern Exam - Gemia I loved working with this pattern. The steps were clearly written and while the pattern is a raglan, just like the rest of them, the design in the sleeves and the extra details allowed me to have a lot of fun creating something unique for my boys...

    If you have never tried a Titchy Threads pattern I would highly recommend that you start with this one!
    Read more here.
  • The Pattern Exam - Handmade Boy There are tips and tricks for working with knits and how to get a custom fit. There are also examples for inspiration in the pattern. There is even a condensed version of the instructions for those who don’t need the pictures and like to print off the instructions instead of working off the computer or tablet. The pattern is rated for a confident beginner and I agree. First time with knits, this pattern is perfect for you!
    Read more here.
  • Our Chez Nous First of all, Titchy Threads has slowly become one of my favourite pattern companies lately! I have no shame in saying I have almost every pattern Laura has released.

    The fit is so good! And such a quick sew too, that I have the pattern already printed and just need to cut it to make the boys some!
    Read more here.
  • Sew Outnumbered I had the opportunity to test the latest pattern release from Titchy Threads recently and as you all know I’m a big fan of Laura’s patterns. This one definitely didn’t disappoint!
    Read more here, and here.
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